And the winner is…
… not being announced yet. I drew the winner of my baked-goods-for-donating challenge, but I don’t want to ruin the surprise that will be showing up in their mailbox in the next week or so. So I’m not going to spoil the fun by mentioning the name just yet, but I will tell you there were 29 donors in the hat, an impressive number after just a few weeks of fundraising.
Thanks to everyone who has donated so far: I’m up to more than 35% of my goal. Yay!
As for the training end of things – I climbed the Lyon Street stairs again today. It’s becoming a Wednesday night ritual for me. Made it down and up 6 times in roughly 50 minutes. That’s one more lap than I did a couple weeks ago.
And this morning I strolled to work. My photo theme was flowers, but I haven’t downloaded them yet. Will share as soon as I get them off my iPhone. Stay tuned.
Update 7/28/09: Now that the winner got her goodies, I guess I can divulge the secret. Kay Marie was the lucky donor drawn from the magic gift-giving hat. She got some Wookie cookies and Dog Food. Both of which sound disgusting by name but really aren’t. She can vouche for that. 😉