Providence Mountains by Steve Berardi

The walking dead: And then there was one park closure

Photo credit: Providence Mountains by Steve Berardi

About a week ago, we reported about the 15 walking dead California state parks that were without rescuers. Then just a day ago, the news was much improved with five parks remaining on the July 1 closure list. Today, the news has gotten even better: Only one state park is closing for the time being, Providence Mountains State Recreation Area, which is technically already closed.

This isn’t a complete victory. The four parks given a reprieve may only have a few weeks of life left depending on how the chips fall in the next few weeks, but it does mean that at least for now, all hope is not lost.

The state parks’ walking dead

Listed roughly north to south.

Providence Mountains State Recreation Area

Providence Mountains State Recreation Area is located on the east side of the Providence Mountain range and has dramatic views of the surrounding Mojave Desert. The lower elevations feature many varieties of cactus and yucca in a creosote scrub habitat. The bright red rhyolite in the higher elevations are home to bighorn sheep and pinyon pines.” [Read more on the state park site]

Have you been to Providence Mountains? Talk about it in the comments or post your photos on our Facebook page.