Name that photo: A Bay Area peak
Congrats to KMberger who guessed our last challenge: The West Point Inn.
We’re getting a little tougher this week. Do you recognize the location of the photo above?
The first hint: It is in the Bay Area.
Second hint added 6/28: The mountain has several peaks; the tallest seen in this photo is in Sonoma County, while the second tallest just to the east is in Napa County.
Third hint added 6/30: Robert Louis Stevenson and Fanny Vandegrift Osbourne spent the summer of 1880 honeymooning in an abandoned mining camp on this mountain.
Email your best guesses to photo@hikerly.com by Tuesday, July 3. I’ll post a few more hints between now and then if you aren’t sure.
The prize: Hikerly fame. I’ll be keeping a very unscientific leaderboard with points awarded for accuracy, sense of humor and anything else I think deserves credit, and when we’re all done, the person who has the most points will be honored on hikerly.com and get my personal adoration. What more could you want?
Check out previous “Name That Photo” challenges.
Climb to the top of the leaderboard: Where is this hiker?
Update June 26, 2012 KMBerger guessed it again increasing her lead. The photo is atop the underappreciated Mount Saint Helena in Robert Louis Stevenson State Park (not to be confused with the more well known Mount St. Helens in Washington state.) While I’ve heard some scoff at the hike because it is a wide fire road for much of the route, I still love it for the spectacular views and small crowd. It can be exceptionally hot in the summer (I hiked it on an 80+ degree day) so bring lots of water and be prepared for a steady uphill hike to the peak. While not steep, it’s an unrelenting upward grade the whole way.