Got Books?
Restock your bookshelf while helping a charity with Debbie & Jodi’s first-ever book swap for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. For a measly donation of $15, you could walk away with dozens of books, even if you don’t have any to swap.
Green Apple Books has kindly donated more books than we could have imagined, so there will be lots to choose from.
When: Aug. 18, 2009
Here’s how it works:
STEP 1: Grab any books you are ready to pass along to their next loving literary home. DVDs or video games also welcome. (Don’t have spare books/videos? Skip to step 2).
STEP 2: Come to the swap on Tuesday, August 18. Make a donation to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (suggested amount: $15, cash, check or charge all welcome) and hand over those books, if any. Don’t worry though if you don’t have any; thanks to Green Apple Books we’ve got lots to choose from.
STEP 3: Enjoy some wine and tasty vittles while browsing the books that others have donated. Openly steal whatever ones you want. That’s right – you can take as many books as you want for a mere $15 tax-deductible donation!
STEP 4: Feel good about yourself for helping a good cause that literally, and at least for one night, literarily saves lives.
For the details on where and exactly what time contact me! (Didn’t want to post all the info on a public web site, since this is meant for friends only.)
And a massive thank you to Pete and the gang at Green Apple Books for the donation of reading material so we will definitely have lots to choose from!