Sunny photos on a not-so-sunny day
I’ve not only been missing from this blog, but also from my training. A sinus infection knocked me down for the last few days (hmmm…. could those cold, wet hikes have anything to do with it?) But now I’m on antibiotics and starting to feel a little more normal. I’ll get back into the training again tomorrow.
But for today, a very rainy and miserable day, I decided it best to stay indoors for one final rest day. So how could I possibly have sunny photos, you ask? The week before I started posting in this blog regularly again, I had been training with my camera in tow and snapped some nice shots of the scenery from Corona Heights, a hilly and stair-strewn stroll not far from my apartment. A co-worker lent me a great book called “Stairway Walks in San Francisco” and I have been using it as a guide to getting to know the nooks and crannies of the many San Francisco neighborhoods.
Following are a couple snapshots from the hike. For a full photo gallery, click here
Help the cause: If you haven’t already donated for the hike and would like to pitch in to help me reach my $3,500 minimum goal (and in turn help the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in their fight against blood cancers), log on to http://www.active.com/donate/hfdsf/hfdJHoadle for more information and an online donation form. Rather donate via check? E-mail me for details.